Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ is designed to get you quick help, we are endeavouring to add to the list regularly so if you have a question please email it to us from the link below and we will get back to you ASAP if you would like us to call you please include your phone number.

If you have not used or heard of the Salt-X products and have question please read on as many of the most common questions are answered.


  • SX50 FAQ
    SX50 FAQ. The cost of boating has always been an issue and maintenance is costly due to the corrosive nature of the salt that attacks your boat, motor, tackle, scuba gear, sails etc.
  • Boat & 4x4 FAQ
    Boat & 4x4 FAQ is there to give you an understanding of the product its uses and applications.
  • Auto Mix Injector FAQ
    Auto Mix Injector FAQ shows you our SX50 injector. This unit simplifies the application of SX50 into your marine engine cooling system. Once injector the unique formula rinses the salt away.